piątek, 23 września 2016

Hungarian Days in Bydgoszcz

Dni Węgierskie w Parafii Najświetszego Serca Pana Jezusa w Bydgoszczy.
In Bydgoszcz parish of Sacred Heart of Jesus (Polish; parafia Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa) of the initiative of Monsignore Roman Kneblewski took place Hungarian Days  - 2-5 September 2016. 

The program of the Hungarian Days in Bydgoszcz' Sacré-Cœur contained; Holy Mass for the intention of the Hungarian and Polish nations, meetings, show saber fighting, lectures and traditional Hungarian feast.
Parish House NSPJ in Bydgoszcz during Hungarian Days
Very good relations between Poland and Hungary date back to the Middle Ages and it continues today. It is unique on a global scale.
The roundabout in Bydgoszcz named in honor of Hungarian engineer Józef Szügyi Trajtler (1877-1923), who created Polish railways in the Pomerania and Wielkopolska region after 1918. 

Polak, Węgier — dwa bratanki,
i do szabli, i do szklanki,
oba zuchy, oba żwawi,
niech im Pan Bóg błogosławi.
The full Hungarian version reads:
Lengyel, magyar – két jó barát,
Együtt harcol s issza borát,
Vitéz s bátor mindkettője,
Áldás szálljon mindkettőre.

The Polish text may be rendered:
Pole and Hungarian cousins be,
good for fight and good for party.
Both are valiant, both are lively,
Upon them may God's blessings be.

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